PORTFOLIO > Oil Paintings


My deep inclination and affinity toward all things in nature has been with me for as long as I can remember. Living in the northern forest and lake country of the upper Midwest, I find unlimited inspiration in the ever-changing woodland landscape. It is here that I find not only inspiration, but also undeniable solace, and spiritual grounding.

My goal in this series of landscape paintings is to not focus on merely copying what I see in nature, but rather to "feel" the natural world, deduce its essence and then retell that essence in a way that I hope will move and inspire the viewer on an emotional, psychological and spiritual level, and will connect the viewer to a deeper understanding of the mystical that is present in nature and in all life. 

I am moved by the ethereal, spiritual, light, patterns and magical moods of nature, and I find inspiration in the wild and mysterious. In a chaotic world, nature is a necessary balm for disquieted souls. Albeit, I paint nature as a form of therapy and what I might call, soul medicine. It gives me deep calm and serenity and it is my desire that my landscape paintings will provide the same remedy for the viewer.